Page:History, Design and Present State of the Religious, Benevolent and Charitable Institutions.djvu/194

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calcutta school society.

girls from the female department of the Bengal Christian School Society were present. The boys belonging to the indigenous Schools were examined in spelling, reading, and writing the Bengallee language, the common rules of arithmetic, and in geography, both general, and in particular relation to that of Hindoostan. The students, whose education at the native Hindoo College, is defrayed at the expense of the Society, were examined in the English language, in reading, writing, and spelling; and those more advanced, in the translation of English into Bengallee. The whole examination gave the greatest satisfaction to the spectators, and afforded a well grounded hope of progressive advancement. This expectation has been justified by the result of subsequent examinations of the elder boys. Several of the youths educated by the Society in the Hindoo College have obtained respectable situations in life, some of whom, and others still in the College have established evening Schools for the communication of gratuitous instruction in the English language.

Like the sister Institution, however, the School Society ascertained after some experience, that