Page:History and characteristics of Bishop Auckland.djvu/156

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HI8T0BT OF BISHOP AUOKLAKD. 129 The following statement of accounts, as well as those already given, is sufficient to show that this particular charity, as &r as the schools are concerned, is a very valuable one, and is calculated, if judiciously administered, to play an important part in the education of the rising generation of the town of Bishop Auckland : — Statement of the aooounts ci the Charity called Kshop Banington's Charily, in the Fkriah of St Andrew's Auckland, in the County of Durham, for the year ending the Slat day of December, 1866 : — BbCDFTS Ain> EZFIHSITDBK WOR IHK TXAB XITDIirO OK IHK 31ST DiOBlfEIB, 1866 : — BBCBIFTB. BZFSNDITUBB. ^onr Quarterly Payments from the Tnu- tees, per W. T. Centre, Esq. ... / Qoremment Grant — ^B(^' School Ditto Qirls' and Infant!^ School Lord Crewe's Tmstees Special Grant, per Rev. H. B. Tristram Donation from the Order of Shepherds School Pence — ^Boya^ School ZMtto Girls' School Ditto Infants' School ... Subscription for new BeU Balance 364 16 13 4 44 17 10 20 20 10 60 4 26 14 3 27 9 6 2 7 6 682 12 9 6 11 6^ 688 4 3^ Balance from last year Pension to Mr. Dote Do. Mrs. Byle Beads' People at Durham ... ... Do. at Auckland Masters' Salary Account Boys' School — Assistants Do. Books and Apparatus ... Do. Coats Do. Small Bepsirs Do. Cleaning Do. Paid to Blue Coat B<78... Do. Insurance Do. Water Do. Clocks repsiring account Do. Ironmongei's bill Da Upholsterer's bill ... Do. Plumber's bill Da Prizes Do. Painter Do. Lights for 18 months GirV School — ^Mistress Da Sewing Cotton k Needles ace. Do. Books, Apparatus account Do. Asastants Do. Small Bepaira Do. Ironmonger's bill Do. Upholsterer andFumishing ) Boom account ... j Do. Plumber Da Painter Do. Gas for 18 months Do. Fitting up School -house ) with Gas J Infant Scho(A— Mistress Da Asmstants Da Books and Apparatus Do. Painter GirlsT and Infanti^ School— Cleaning Do. Do. Insurance ... Do. Do. Water Bate ... Da Do. Clocks repairing Do. Da Coals Total £ 2 60 30 24 20 2

99 19 64 18 d.


6 11 17 11 11 6 13 8 19 16 16 10 16 60 1 4 11 17 10 6 6

9 3 10 8


2 11



9 3 9 13 9 6 9 6 6 9 10} 6 6 7} 60 18 16 16 10 16 17 10

16 1


10 688 4 ^ Due to Treasurer ... I certify that this and the foregoing Statements are oonect Dated this Serenteenth day of May, 1867. ... £5 lis. 6}d. BiOBD. BowBB, Auditor. Digitized by Google -