Page:History and characteristics of Bishop Auckland.djvu/53

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each year; but the average of the last four years is rather more than 80. During that time 150 persons lived to between 80 and 90 years of age, 34 between 90 and 95, 4 between 95 and 100, and 7 upwards of 100.

Between the years 1648 and 1672, the tradesmen in most towns of any size throughout England issued their own tokens, in small brass or copper coins, for necessary change; and in Auckland we find that Michael Stobart and William Cradock issued them. Stobart had on his the King's head, whilst Cradock's bore his own arms. The Cradocks seem to have been a very numerous family in this neighbourhood, and of some note, as they are frequently mentioned in the Registers of St Andrew's Auckland in connection with the Wrens, and other families of position. The new street now in course of formation near the Workhouse is built upon a field formerly called "Cradock's Close." At the Quarter Sessions, held at Durham in the month of December, 1603, an indictment was laid against Anthony Cradock, yeoman of Auckland Deanery, and his servant, Michael Longstaffe, for an assault upon the Bishop's Bailiff at South Church, both of whom were imprisoned.

On the 5th of April, 1654, Sir George Vane informed the Justices of Sessions that John Cradock, of North Auckland, "did travle on ye Lord's day, and that ye said Cradock did acknowledge he was going about Ralph Featherstonhalgh's business, to levy a warrant against him for xs, according to the statute.

Same date. John Mair, of Hamsterley, fined 10s. for profanation of the Lord's-day, and 3s. 4d. for swearing by the Lord, upon the oath of Christopher Gibbons. A warrant for its payment ordered, or he is to "sitt in the stockes nine hours."

1655. April 25. William Todd, on behalf of the inhabitants of Escomb, complained that about the year 1646 a squadron of horse, under the command of Major Tevisleam, were quartered upon that township for 15 days, having assigned to them also Evenwood Barony and Carterthorne Colliery, which had seven men and horse at the rate of 20d. per day. Arrears to be paid.

1672. April 9. Ordered that the several persons who use selling of corne in Auckland Market, do sell either by the peck, half bushel or bushel, and if any person shall sell after the proportion of six pecks and a half, the same is adjudged to be a fraud of the statute against old measures, and is to be proceeded against.

1672. July 16. A warrant ordered against William Hodgson, of Winleston, for making a false return of the Popish Recusants there, the same being presented by the Grand Jury.

1680. Oct. 6. The oath of allegiance tendered to Edward Tunstall, of Bishop Auckland, gent., which he refused to take, and was committed to next assizes. Tunstall moved the Court for some weighty reasons (not given) that he might be confined to some place in Bishop Auckland, being the place of his abode. Commanded to the safe custody of Joseph Harrison, Bishop Auckland, Sheriffs Bailiff.

Sept. 30. 22, James L At Sessions this day, a certain way at Binchester, near the vill of Bishop Auckland at Binchester, was presented, which way was in decay; and that Lindler Wren, of Binchester, had diverted the water course to the Mill near the way aforesaid, by which it was overflown and rendered impassable thro' such diversion of the ancient water course.

We "have already noticed Auckland Races, in 1662, run on Hunwick Moor; and we now give an extract in relation thereto from a volume, entitled, "A Historical List of Horse-matches run, and of Plates and Prizes run for, in Great Britain and Ireland, in 1753, edited by Reginald Heber:"—

Bishop Auckland (Durham).

1753. On the elefenth of April, fifty pounds was ran for, free only for four years old horses, Ac., carrying nine stone; and five years old nine stone ten pounds, that never won fifty pounds (matches excepted), three mile heats. This prize was won by

Hbats. Iflt 2nd 3rd 4Ch Mr. Setiington'flChes. H. "Letter of Marqne" 6 2 11 Mr. Johnson'B Bay H. " Surly" 7 16 2 Mr. Croft's Gr. G. "Trinket" 16 5 3 Mr. Reed'eBayH. "SiDglePeper*' 2 3 3 Mr. BasBeirs Che*. B. " Cripple" 8 6 2 Mr. Swinbnm'sChefl. H. "HoborKob" 3 7 4 Mr. Waite'iGr. M. "Smiling Molly" 4 4 dis. Mr. Wilkinson's Bay H. "Tom Tit" 6 di& Mr. Wilson's Bay H. "Honor and Glory" 9 dis. Sir Bichard Hilions' Bay H. "Doctor" dis.