Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/462

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436 ADELAIDK AND VICINITY Mr. Charles H. Goode No one is better known in Adelaide comnKTcial and piiilanthropic circles than Mr. Charles H. Goode. It could be said of him that the face is the window of the soul ; that the benevolence of the one gives fit expression to the kindness and sincerity of the other Popular, and generally esteemed for his disinterested generosity, Mr. Goode has a [)eculiar claim to be biographically noticed in this work. Mr. Charles H. Goode is a native of Hinton, Herefordshire, England, and was born in 1827. At the age of 1 2 years he was apprenticed to a drapery business in Hereford. As a mere child, he was getting an insight into the .serious sides of life, its struggles and aspirations ; and no doubt the experiences gained at .so impres- sionable an age helped to mould the sympathetic and sincere nature for which he has since become noted. Goethe has told us that one serves an apprenticeship in the ways of the world, and showed us the true meaning of life ; and, in a double .sense, Mr. Goode entered this sphere when very young. In 1845, when relieved of his duty to the Hereford draper, he proceeded to London, where he remained for nearly four years. Then, in 1849, he freed himself from the congested population of P'ngland, and came to .South Australia, arriving in April. In the freshness and potentiality of a new country, with all its greatness and success before it, a young man of earnestness and industry has a fair chance to attain to a good position. In conjunctitjn with his friend (afterwards brother-in-law), the late Mr. Thomas Good, Mr. Charles H. CJoode opened a general soft goods business in Kermode .Street, North Adelaide. The population in that locality was small, but with the develojjment of the Province it constantly increased. Mr. T. Good having retired, Mr. C. H. Goode was joined by his brothers, .Samuel and Mathew ; and for 30 years their affairs prospered and their wealth increased. From the small house in North Adelaide Hammer i^ to., fhoto