Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 1.djvu/206

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1 86 HISTORY OK ART IN PIKKNICIA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. always brought to the same result ; everything tells us of a borrowing from Egypt by Phiunicia. Must we conclude from this that the borrowing took place at a very remote period, during the early days of the commerce between the towns on the Syrian I'll'.. 126. Sarcophagus oi Si<lon. Louvre. coast and those of the Delta ? Certainly not. Egypt furnished the primitive elements of the type, but it is not the influence of Egypt that we find in the execution. There is but one of these anthropoid coffins in which the arrangement of the headdress is !';. 127. Head from an anthropoid sarcophagus of Sitlon. Louvre. Egyptian, and even there the profile is quite Greek in its elegance (Fig. 127). In the whole range of Egyptian art there is nothing in the least like the symmetrical curls of these Phoenician heads, which remind us at first sight of Assyrian sculpture (Fig. 128);