Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/486

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446 INDEX. Apse in Phoenician temples, i. 304, 308, 3i7- Aqueducts, for supplying temples, i. 33 in. ; Roman, opposite Tyre, i. 361 ; at Carthage, i. 368. Arbela, battle of, i 188. Arch, i. 115, 153 ; in ramparts at Eryx, i. 342 ; Phoenician acquaintance with the, i. 369, 371. Architecture, characteristics of Phoeni- cian, i. 1 08, 109, 114-116; Renan on, i. no. Aristotle on Carthaginian constitution, i. 27 : Carthaginian colonies, i. 42 ; early treaties, i. 50. Ark frequently used in Phoenician temples, i. 256. Arrian on fortifications at Tyre, i. 335. Artemis identified with Astarte, i. 330. Artesian wells, i. 366/2., 367. Arthrocnemum fruticosam, ii. 330. Arvad, origin of, i. 19-21; prosperity of, i. 23 ; royal dynasty at, i. 26 ; submits to Persia, i. 54 ; halls of, i. 23, 106, 116, 334-336 ; ruins at, i. 108-134 ; tombs at, i. 159, 161, 237, 238; alabaster slab from, i. 132; sarcophagus from, i. 14472. ; cisterns r at, i. 368. Asa, King, embalmed, i. 144. Ascalon, marble slab from, ii. 42 ; bas- relief from, ii. 43, 44. Astarte, i. 57, 61, 68-71, 330; invoked on tomb of Esmounazar, i. 142 ; in Syria, i. 206, 207 ; in Cyprus, i. 215, 274, 283 ; in Malta, i. 303; in Sicily, i. 303, 319, 320; inscription from temple of, at Kition, i. 271, 272 ; offerings to, i. 318; bronze bust of, 11. 3, 4 ; supposed statuette of, from Amrit, ii. 24; statuettes of, fre- quently found, ii. 53 ; on Cyprian gems, ii. 236. Assyrian power, i. 39 ; star worship, i. 130; sphinx,i. 133, 134; belief in a future life, i. 147 ; influence on Phoenician art, i. 134-137, 154, ii. 12, 15, 71, 73, "6, 211, 364, 388, 427 ; jewellery, ii. 393. Atargatis, i. 123, ii. 42, 43. Athenseus, legend related by, i. 330; luxury of the Cypriots, ii. 102/2., 1 03/2. Athene, goddess in Cyprus, i. 73. Athens, Sidonian tombs at, i. 249. Athieno, village of, i. 220, 221 ; capital from, i. 118; sarcophagi from, i. 228, ii. 215-220 ; stele from, i. 233 ; temple at, ii. 108, 177/2., 178/2. ; statuettes from, ii. 108, 143, 170, 189 ; colossal head found at, ii. 137, 138 ; pediment from, ii. 196/2. Attic trireme, i. 400. Aucapitaine, M., i. 192. B. BAAL, meaning of word, i. 57, 67-69, 73> 74 > worship of, forbidden to the Hebrews, i. 147 ; altar of, i. 252. Baal-Hammon, i. 74-77, 319, 321 ; votive offerings to, i. 319; figures of, i. 205, ii. 25, 73. Baal-haz-zebakh, i. 268. Baal-Melkart, see Melkart. Baal-Samain, i. 62, 63/2., 319. Baal-Thamar, i. 58. Baalat-Gebail, i. 23. Baalbek, trilithon of, i. 107/2., 304. Babylon, engraved stone from, ii. 38, 39- Bad j a, i. 37272., 373/2. Balearic Islands, i. 47, 48/2. ; coins from, ii. 1 6. Bamboula, i. 273, 274. Banias, ruins near, i. 336-339. Baris, on Sardinian gems, ii. 25 5*2. Bas-reliefs, from Amathus, i. 230, ii. 207-215 ; at Byblos, ii. 9, 10 ; from Ascalon, ii. 42-44; from Moab, ii. 45, 56 ; from Athieno, ii. 215-220. Battering-ram, i. 338. Beja, rubble vaults at, i. 372. Belat, sanctuary at, i. 252. Bereitan, cemetery at, i. 214/2. Berger, M. de, origin of word Phoeni- cian, i. 1 1/2. ; author's obligations to, i. 14/2. ; ships of Tarshish, i. 33 ; siege of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar, i. 39/2. ; Baal-Hammon, i. 74/2. ; Phoenician alphabet, i. 84*2. ; steles from Adrumetum, ii. 63/2., 64/2. Berosus, hybrid forms, ii. 202. Bes, i. 64 ; original form of Heracles and Silenus, ii. 165, 166, 224; statuettes and representations of, i. 205, 206, 229, 246, ii. 6, 21, 22, 23, 165, 166, 169, 170, 210, 249. Beth, i. 98. Betylse, worship of, i. 58, 61, 62, 79, 80.