Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/490

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450 INDEX. Esmoun,or ^Esculapius, i. 71, 318, 319, 3 2 4- Esmounazar, king of Sidon, tomb of, i. 115, 142, 164, 166-169, 197 ; sarco- phagus of, i. 169, 183, 189; ivories from tomb of, ii. 396, 397. Esmunjair, Maspero's translation on bowl of, ii. 340-367. Eteandros, king of Paphos, i. 298 ; ii. 387- Etruria, prosperity of, i. 46; defeat of, by Hiero, i. 47 ; chariots on tombs in, i. 210; metal platter from, ii. 346; amber used in, ii. 403, 404. Etuis found in tombs, i. 24772., 248/2. Eurytion, figure of, ii. 171, 172. Euxenes founded Massilia, i. 43, 44. Evagoras, i. 300 ; ii. 101. Ezekiel on Tarshish, i. 33/2., 37 ; on Tyre, i. 25/2., 334, 365/2., 382, ii. F. FEAST, on sarcophagus of Athieno, ii. 216 ; on cups, ii. 357. Fertility, goddess of, ii. 145, 149, 150, 159, 160, 163; see Astarte. Filters in ancient reservoirs, i. 378. Fish, on steles to Tanit, ii. 62. Forests, ancient, in Cyprus, ii. 88. Fortifications, Phoenician, i. 334, 339. Fountain at Larnaca, i. 288, 289. Frcehner, M., on ancient glass, ii. 337, 338. Funeral, offerings, i. 144 ; Hebrew, i. 145 ; furniture, i. 203, 217, 230, 244, 245 ; statuettes, iL 53 ; symbolism, ii. 212, 219, 220. Furniture, of the temples, i. 260 ; bronze, ii. 412. G. GAILLARDOT, DR., excavations by, and M. Renan, i. 160, i65., 169; on ancient tombs, i. 167, 220, 370; on masonry of Syrian canal, i. 367. Galleys, Phoenician, i. 33., 34. Gar-el-giganti, i. 379. Gaul, Greeks in, i. 43. Gebal, i. 16, 19, 23; god Adon at, i. 68; ruins at, i. no, in, 113; ne- cropolis at, i. 173-178; Renan on grottoes at, i. 174 ; sarcophagus at, i. 179; altar at, i. 261; artificial grottoes at, i. 271; our lady of, i. 68, 77- Genesis, sepulchres noticed in, i. 149, 150 ; ethnographical system referring to inhabitants of Cyprus, ii. 94, 95- Gerhard, on double throne, i. 253;;. Geryon, myth of, ii. 171, 172; bas- relief of, ii. 175. Geslin, M., on Cyprian sculptured heads, ii. 223. Giganteia, i. 303-308, 311, 313. Glass, invention of, ii. 326, 327, 330; process of making, ii. 331-334; opaque, 332/2. ; materials used for colouring, ii. 335. Globe, winged, used as decoration, i. 130, 221, ii. 12, 33 ; without wings in Sicily, i. 320, 321 ; winged on frieze from Adrumetum, ii. 64, 65/2. Goddess of generation, i. 220 ; statuettes from Cyprus of, ii. 52, 53; figured on steles, ii. 60. Golgos, columns at, i. ir7 ; temple of, i. 220, 221, 281, 283-286 ; statuettes from, i. 264, ii. 170, 221; stone chair from, i. 293 ; remains of wall at, i. 339- Gozo, tombs at, i. 234 ; temples at, i. 302-304, 311, 312; ruins at, i. 336. Graeco-Roman period, sarcophagi dated from, i. 164; statuettes from, ii. 27, 44 ; ruins from, ii. 46. Graux, M., walls at Carthage, i. 353, 354, 357- Greau, M., Egyptian glass, ii. 270 ; collection of ancient glass belonging to, ii. 327/2. Grecian art, i. 51, 83, 296; religion, i. 63, 65, 66, 68 ; poets, i. 66 ; alpha- bet, i. 85, 90 ; influence on works of art, i. 101, 221, 222, ii. 56, 75, 76, 78, 131, 133- r 36, 169, 190, 194, 195, 209, 21 o, 215, 21 9, 221 ; archi- tec ure, i. 109; establishment in Cyprus, ii. 94, 96, 97 ; figure of human-headed bird, ii. 199, 200. Golden masks in Phoenician tombs, i. 211. Griffin, winged, ii. 41. Gutenberg, i. 88. H. HADES, i. 146. Hagiar-Kim, i. 304,311-314. Hale'vy, M., on text from Deuteronomy, i. 145/2., worship of stones, 1275.