Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 1.djvu/304

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TlRVNS. 279 yet known, the most interesting example is that which has been found in the temple of the Cabiri, at Samothrace, described and published by Conze.^ Sacrificial pits must have been much more general In very ancient ritual than might be supposed Fig. 83. — Restored plan ot m^pton. from their restricted number. The hollow altar runs many more chances of being destroyed than a solid one ; the latter may be overturned and even displaced without losing the shape and character by which it is easily recognized. The ' CoNZE, Hauser, Benndorf {Uniersuchungen auf Samethrake). See also KoHLER, in regard to the pit found in the Asclepieion at Athens {MUiheilungen Athenisdu Abtheilun^.