Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 1.djvu/390

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Mycen^. 363 centre, their city is destitute of public buildings and stately temples, for they live in open villages [xara xw/wts], according to ancient usage. Hence a very imperfect notion would be gained of what they once had been ; whereas, under the same circumstances, the aspect the ruins of Athens would present '^ 'J'TT Yp. v. would give an impression of its having been as influential again as reality." ' Conservative Sparta, therefore, continued to bury her dead within the precincts of the town.* The custom had also prevailed at Athens in olden times, as numbers of rock-cut graves found within the inhabited area amply testify. This ' Thucvdides. ^ Plutarch, Lymrgus,