Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/468

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Pottery. 411 bear the mark of the style which we have defined were manu- factured in Ai^olis ? * I find it even harder to accept this theory than that which would place in Argolis the cradle of this ceramic Fig. 49a— Amphora. Sicily. art. The vases were of course not all made where we now find them. The fact that a certain number have been discovered ^in Egypt would suffice to prove that they must have been extensively Fm. 491-— Mug. Sicily. Km. 49l-—Slirnip-handled amphora. Troy. exported ; but until the microscope declares that the clay of the Argolic pottery is exclusively found in the Argolic plain, we submit ' Berieht, 1890. Dorpfeld sent me photographs of at least fifty fragments of similar style yielded by the last campaign.