and the officers of the army. Strong letters were,
therefore, sent out in the Emperor's name recalling Mir Jumla and the remaining generals from
the Deccan (early in December), and on 18th and
26th December two armies were despatched to
Malwa, the first to oppose the advance of Aurangzib from the South and the second to march into
Guzerat and oust Murad from the province, or, if necessary, to stay in Malwa and co-operate with the first force.[1]
The leadership of these two armies had gone abegging. Noble after noble had been offered the posts, but had declined, saying that they were ready to fight to the last drop of their blood under the Emperor or Dara in person, but could not of themselves presume to resist to the bitter end a prince of the Imperial blood. The rash Rathor chief Jaswant alone had consented to fight Aurangzib and even promised to bring him back a prisoner.[2] So, he was sent (18 Dec.) to Ujjain as governor of Malwa, vice Shaista Khan, whose presence so near Aurangzib gave Dara ground for fear. Such a great noble and near kinsman of the Emperor could not be safely left close to the rebel frontier, as his