Page:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 1.djvu/404

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South. So, after giving to Murad the impatiently expected notice to start, he sent his eldest son with the Van towards Burhanpur (25th January, 1658) and himself left Aurangabad with the rest of his army eleven days afterwards (5th Feb.). He now began to exercise royal prerogatives, bestowing titles, posts, and promotions of mansab (rank). Muazzam was created Viceroy of the Deccan and Wazir Khan that of Khandesh.[1]

Burhanpur was reached on 18th February, and At Burhanpur he halts one month. here the organisation of the army and the preparations for the march were completed. A month's halt was made in this town. Aurangzib had written a letter to Shah Jahan inquiring about his health and hoping that the Emperor would soon completely recover, look after the administration himself, and put an end to Dara's usurpation of the supreme authority. But day by day only alarming news of the Court reached him. His agent Isa Beg, too, arrived from Agra and fully unfolded the state of affairs there, saying how after his illness Shah Jahan doted on Dara to an extreme and that Prince had made himself Emperor in all but the name. Isa Beg was the bearer of secret messages from

  1. A. N., 42-46. Aqil Khan, 24-26. Kambu, 10b. Masum, 42b-45a