Page:History of Australia, Rusden 1897.djvu/386

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Sydney and at Newcastle. The establishment at Sydney, like the brewery, was, for greater economy, leased after a time.

Like his predecessors King paid attention to agriculture, but he is reported to have said, like Phillip, that he could not make farmers out of pickpockets.

In 1801 he made, and in 1804 he repeated, an Order that—

"No person whatever is to set fire to any stubble without giving his neighbours sufficient notice; and not then until every person is prepared by having their wheat stacked and secured. Should any person neglect this necessary regulation, they will, on conviction, be obliged to make good all losses sustained by such neglect. No persons whatever are to smoke pipes or light fires near any wheat-stacks, public or private."

From a "muster in 1806" King compiled the following statement:

Land held by— Acres
Pasture. Fallow. Total.
The Crown 336 80,915 854 82,105
32 Civil Officers 839 12,431 2,350 15,620
29 Military and Naval Officers 155 19,439 1,103 20,697
329 holding various allotments up to and including 30 acres each 3,233 1,522 905 5,660
56 from 30 to 50 acres 839 1,099 330 2,268
143 from 50 to 100 acres 2,321 7,817 1,038 11,176
82 from 100 to 200 acres 2,496 7,664 1,023 11,183
23 from 200 to 300 acres 998 3,622 645 5,265
13 from 300 acres upwards 474 10,296 1,138 11,905
11,691 144,805 9,386 165,882

About 20,000 acres had been "cleared of timber." Of the acres in cultivation, about 6000 were in wheat, nearly 4000 in maize, 1000 in barley, only 80 acres in oats, 433 in "orchard and garden," 185 in potatoes, and less than 40 in pease and beans. The average yield was 16 bushels of wheat per acre; of maize, 25 to 30 bushels. There were large reserves of land for public uses.

Reserved for government allotments there were—

At Baulkham Hills, about
At Castle Hill, about
At Prospect, about
For the orphans there was an appropriation—
At Cabramatta of about
At Petersham more than