Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/119

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Gov. Bradford owned the fourth lot, which extended along the Bay, from "Hide's Hole" towards Nayatt, and sold it to Rev, Mr. Newman, Nathaniel and Israel Peck.

John Brown, Senior, was the proprietor of the lands from this tract to Nayatt Point, which were transferred to his sons, James and Capt. John Brown.

"The next lot, originally Capt. Miles Standishes, begineth at Nayat beach or creek and takes in all the meadow of any sort or kind on both sides of the creek and takes in all the meadow of any sort or kind on both sides of Mouscochuck northerly creek, and also on both sides the easterly creek and'all the meadow on Anawomscutt creek so far up as the moable land lyeth according to the tenor of the grand deed, all which meadow situate lying and being on the easterly creek and all the meadow on the east side of the northerly creek and all the meadow on Nayett side pertaineth to Mr. James Brown and Capt. Brown. And all the other meadows on the West side of the northerly creek and all the meadows lying upon Anawomscut creek pertains to Capt. Thomas Willett since Alliannated to William Allen."


The first lot, commencing at Tyler's Point and extending along the shore of Warren River to Kelley's Bridge, was owned by Experience Mitchel and sold to John Brown, Senior. Above this lay a common meadow, which adjoined a lot of Thomas Cushman's, bought by Thomas Willett.

Gov. Prince owned the next lot on the north, and sold it to John Brown, Senior.

Josiah and John Winslow owned the meadows about Barneysville, and Thomas Willett owned "two lots of meadow land called Broad Cove," supposed to be what is now the part of Palmer's River near Barneysville.

John Adams chose the lands on the west side of Palmer's river, "over against Rocky River," and sold to Joseph Peck