Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/121

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It was the custom in olden time, not only to fence the lands of individuals, but also to surround the whole township with a fence.

At the first meeting of the original planters of Rehoboth, held at "Weimoth the 24th of the 8th month (October) 1643." "It was ordered that those who have lottes granted and are . . . . . inhabitants, shall fence the one end of their lottes and their part in the common fence, in the same time, by the 20th day of April next, or else forfeit their lottes to the disposal of the plantation,"

It will readily be seen that fencing "one end of their lottes," secured the inclosure of the whole plantation, while the "common fence" spoken of, probably refers to the fence which inclosed the whole town, built in common by the settlers. As the south line of Rehoboth was the north line of Sowams and afterwards of Swansea, a part of the "common fence" or town fence here referred to, was the original boundary between the two settlements. This fence is described as a "five Rayle fence," extending from "Patuckquet," now the Providence River, to the river by Bowen's Bridge, which is now known as Runen's Bridge, across the upper end of New Meadow Neck towards Broad Cove, a name given to a part of Palmer's or Warren River, near the village of Barneysville. That portion of the line of fence between old Swansea and Seekonk, I have been able to trace a portion of the way between Providence and Runen's rivers, and suppose that it extended in nearly an east and west direction between these rivers, and a considerable distance north of the present boundary line between Barrington and East Providence. The eastern, western, and southern boundaries of Sowams and of Old Swansea had a water enclosure with the exception of that part which adjoined the Indian settlements, and the territory of Montop Neck. A fence was built across the Neck near the present boundary line be-