Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/166

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12(5 the history of barrington. " Holy Covenant." "Swansea in New England. — A true Copy of the Holy Covenant the first founders of Swansea Entered into at the first beginning, and all the members thereof for Divers years. " Whereas, we Poor Creatures are through the exceeding Riches of God's Infinite Grace Mercyfully snatched out of the Kingdom of darkness, and by his infinite power trans- lated into the Kingdom of his dear Son, there to be par- takers with all the Saints of all those Privileges which Christ by the Shedding of his Pretious Blood hath purchased for us, and that we do find our Souls in Some good Measure wrought on by Divine Grace to desire to be Conformable to Christ in all things, being also constrained by the matchless love and wonderfuU Distinguishing Mercies that we Abundantly Injoy from his most free grace to Serve him according to our ut- most capacitys, and that we also know that it is our most bounden Duty to walk in Visible Communion with Christ and each other according to the Prescript Rule of his most holy word, and also that it is our undoubted Right through Christ to Injoy all the Privileges of Gods House which our souls for a long time panted after. And finding no other way at Present by the all-working Providence of our only wise God and gracious Father to us opened for the injoy- ment of the same. We do therefore after often and Solemn Seeking to the I^ord for Help and direction in the fear of his holy Name, and with hands lifted up to him the most High God, Humbly and freely offer up ourselves this day a Living Sacrifice unto him who is our God in Covenant through Christ our Lord and only Saviour to walk together according to his revealed word in the Visible Gospel Relation both to Christ our only head, and to each other as fellow-members and Brethren and of the Same Household of faith. And we do Humbly praye that through his Strength we will henceforth Endeavor to Perform all our Respective Duties towards God and each other and to practice all the ordinances of Christ accordincr to what is or shall be revealed to us in our Re-