Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/230

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180 THE HISTOP.Y OF BARRINGTON. The second charter bears date July 23, 1689, in which the bounds are more definitely stated. " Butted and bounded according to Court grant towards ye West, upon ye great salt water Bay and River that goeth up towards ye Town of Providence ; even so farr up ta- wards ye North as ye south line or bounds of ye Town of Rehoboth ; and upon that line towards ye East, upon ye Bounds of Rehoboth aforesaid ; and then Northerly untill it come to ye Bounds of ye Township of Taunton, on which it also bounds ; Along upon ye River called Taunton River ; & likewise towards ye South is bounded upon the North line of ye Towne of Bristoll, that runneth cross Mount hope neck to ye River of Swanset aforesd towards ye West ; according to ye Grant of ye Court of New Plimouth aforesd." 1699. The town " confirmed the agreement made by the selectmen with Mr. Jonathan Bosworth, to be School-Master for the town of Swansea, for the year ensuing, and to teach School in the several places in the town by Course and to have as his salary ^18 per year, one quarter in money and the other three quarters in provisions at money price." The Selectmen subsequently, January 12, 1702, agreed with Mr. John Devotion, school-master, to give him £, cur- rent money of New England, to be paid quarterly, and the town to "pay for his diet ;" and he was ordered to remove, each quarter, to different places in the neighborhoood, while the Selectmen agreed with the school-master to allow him 20s. ster., to be paid by the town, towards the keeping of his horse. Afterwards, at town meeting, Dec. 28, 171 3, it was "voted and agreed that the school-master's abode (boarding) shall be paid after the rate of 4s. per week, in provisions at money prices." March 23, 1707-8, it was agreed " that if any of the inhabi- tants of this town shall at any time hereafter kill a grown wolf or wolves within this township, they shall be allowed ten shillings a head out of the town treasury, over and above the allowance of the law." At another time, March 3, 1708,