Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/317

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TOWN DOINGS. 251 1722. Moderator, James Adams ; Zachariah Bicknell, constable ; Lieut. James Adams, James Brown, and James Smith, assessors ; James Adams, James Brown, and Benjamin Viall, selectmen ; Samuel Humphrey, town treasurer; Ed- ward Luther, town clerk ; Ebenezer Martin, James Brown, and Ebenezer Allen, surveyors of highways ; Samuel Humphrey and Samuel Kent, tything men. By vote of the selectmen and approved by the town, April 2d, it was voted " that the town be provided with a schoolmaster to teach to read, write, and arithmetic," " who shall be obliged to keep school four months from the first of November." James Adams, James Smith and, James Brown were a committee " to settle the highways according to the rec- ords." Voted, "that the town change the way so that Lieut. Peck be to the Eastward of his fence as it now stands and is staked out." Zachariah Bicknell was allowed ^i, los. for use of a room for five months for a school. "The schoolmaster was allowed /^i8, los. for keeping of school five months." 1723. Moderator, James Adams ; Lieut. James Adams, Ensign Benjamin Viall, and James Brown, selectmen ; Edward Luther, town clerk ; Ensign Benjamin Viall, town treas- urer ; Matthew Allen, constable ; James Brown, James Adams, and James Smith, assessors ; Samuel Kent, Jabez Brown, and John Read, surveyors of highways ; John Thomas and Ebenezer Smith, tything men ; John Torrey, James Viall, and Samuel Goff, hog-reeves. Voted, " that the town treasurer hereafter receive Mr. Torrey's salary." Mr. Josiah Torrey was chosen "to represent the town of Barrington, concerning Rehoboth's meadows within this town." Mr. Andrews was voted p^20 " for keeping school twelve months if he see cause to accept thereof."