Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/325

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TOWN DOINGS. 257 May and Isaac Brown, tything men ; Samuel Barnes and Samuel Humphrey, surveyors for Phebe's Neck, and James Thomas for New Meadow Neck. The votes of the town in 1727, relative to Rev. Mr. Wads- worth were repeated relative to Rev, John Sumner, who also declined the call to be the minister of the town. Lieut. Peck, Zachariah Bicknell, and James Smith were chosen a committee " to lay out a burying place and to agree with Ebenezer Allen what to give him for the ground." Voted on the 8th of February, " that the town give Eben- ezer Allen ;^5 for half an acre of land for a burying place." May 3. The town accepted its quota of bills of credit lately granted by the General Court, and Zachariah Bicknell, Samuel Allen, and Lieut. Allen were chosen trustees " to receive and let out the same." May 27. The town concurred in the vote of the church in choosing Mr. Peleg Heath to be the minister of the town, at a yearly salary of ;£iio, and a settlement of ;^200 to be paid in one year which Mr. Heath accepted. Voted, " that the town will uphold a quarterly contribu- tion for Mr. Peleg Heath during his ministry here." MR. heath's answer TO THE TOWN. " Whereas you the people of God in this place have given me an invitation to labor in the gospel among you, having taken it into deliberate consideration as it is a call of God, I do therefore in his strength engage therein, and desire your prayers that I may be directed, assisted, succeeded and accepted," Barrington, September 9, 1728. Peleg Heath, act of 1728 of massachusetts colony.

  • ' Relief for Anabaptists and Quakers, Taxing Pedobap-

tists. That from and after the publication of this act, none of 17