Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/331

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TOWN DOINGS. 263 1737- Lieut. Matthew Allin, moderator ; Lieut. Matthew Allin, James Adams, and James Smith, selectmen and assessors ; Ebenezer Allen, town clerk and treasurer ; Nathaniel Peck and John Kelly, constables ; Edward Bosworth, Constant Vial), and Josiah Kent, surveyors ; Josiah Humphrey, sur- veyor of hemp and flax. Voted, to hire a schoolmaster for nine months. Edward Bosworth, Ebenezer Allen, and Josiah Humphrey, school committee ; Matthew Watson and Seth Tiffany, constables. Voted, hogs to run at large. The Massachusetts Court passed the following order July 6, 1737, "As the bridge over River between Barrington & Swansea, (Myles Bridge) has been found very beneficial and heretofore hath been built by and maintained by the towns of Swansea & Barrington but of late has been neglected, and is become wholly useless, very much to the prejudice of the public, the Court orders Swansea and Barrington to build a good and substantial cart bridge across the said river, ^ to be done by Swansea and yi by Barrington." The Barring- ton line at that time extended a considerable distance north of Barneysville on Palmer's River. The town voted not to build a meeting-house ; also voted "that the treasurer should hire the money the Church min- ister shall draw out of Mr. Peleg Heath's salary." Six shillings were paid Joseph Allen for mending the stocks. Voted, " that the town would stand by James Thomas in the sute now in the law against Dan Bowen, Constable of Rehoboth." Voted, "that the selectmen should go to Israel Sabin's and see in what condition they are in and take care for them and make provisions for them until! March meeting." Benjamin Viall, James Adams and Edward Bosworth were chosen a Committee "to stake out a highway through Joshua Bicknell's farm where he shall direct them."