Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/446

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356 THE HISTORY OF BARRINGTON. A Committee of the Assembly to revise and amend the late estimate of ratable property, of which Thomas Allin was a member, reported for Barrington as follows: Barrington, number of acres, 4,121 ; price per acre, £^6, 3s. ; value of real estate, ^^25,344, 3s. ; total value of town, £,2<^,(^^, 13s. In November Mr. Thomas Allin represented to the Assem- bly that several persons, enlisted into the service, for three months, from Barrington, had not been paid the bounty of £,'J, los. ; it was voted that they be paid £,^2, los. in new bills, "or in Continental bills of the old issue at seventy-two for one." The Assembly adopted the report of Committee of State valuation, making that of Barrington, ;j^29,9I5, 13s. Thomas Allin was allowed ;^79, i6s. for blankets procured from Barrington, and also ;^i,033, 15s, for his services as one of Committee of state valuation. 1781. Philip Traffern and Viall Allen were chosen captains in the Bristol County battalion under Col. Nathaniel Church. Thomas Allin was made the member of a Committee to provide twelve bushels of corn from Barrington, " the corn to be purchased ground into meal and delivered to the Com- missary," Thomas Allin, with John Child, reported to the Assembly that Nathaniel Fales, Jr., had sustained a damage of ;^S8, los., " by reason of an hospital's being erected for the French troops upon the farm he hired of the state." In May Samuel Allen, Esq., was elected a deputy from Barrington. Paul Mumford of Barrington was elected by the General Assembly Chief Justice of the Superior Court. Peleg Heath was re-elected Major of Bristol County Reg- iment. The May session of the Assembly fixed the new valuation of Barrington at ^^30,000, for purposes of state taxation. Philip Traffern and Viall Allen were chosen captains of