Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/448

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358 THE HISTORY OF BARRIXGTON. Thomas Allin was allowed /^4, 13s,. 4d. in lieu of clothing due him. The census of 1782 gave the following returns for Barring- ton : Whites, males under 16, 130; females under 16, 105 ; males between 16 and 22, 16 ; females between 16 and 22, 22 ; males between 22 and 50, 89; females between 22 and 50, 123 ; males above 50, 46 ; females above 50, 45 ; Indians, none; mulattoes 20; blacks, 26; total, 534. Warren had 905, and Bristol 1,032, 1783. Messrs. Viall Allen and Samuel Allen were the deputies this year. Paul Mumford was chosen chief justice of the Superior Court. Thomas Allin was chosen lieutenant- colonel commandant of the Bristol County Regiment of militia. RESOLUTION AS TO TORIES. April 16, 1783, the town "Voted and ordered that our Representatives in General Assembly Oppose the Returning to this State of any of the Tories or Refugees Once the Citizens of this State, Agreeable to the following instruc- tions ; Voted by this Town Meeting which are as followeth viz : — Forasmuch as many persons distinguished and known by the name of Tories and Refugees Once the Citizens of this State Regardless of Honor, Truth, Justice, Religion and Virtue, the Rights of Humanity and every duty they owed to Society : Have joined the Enemy and have Ex- erted all their powers of property, Artifice, cruelty and Rage to defeat this country of the Enjoyment of the blessings of Peace, liberty and Independence; which blessings Indulgent Heaven, (In Despite of their cruelty and rage. Joined with the Malevolence and rapacity of a Relentless Foe through a severe conflict of War, Ravage, devastation murder and bloodshed) however unmerited, thought proper to bestow, and that we may not Refuse the awards of Heaven, but enjoy them with Security, Tranquility and permanency : We the Citizens of the Town of Barrington in the State of