Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/464

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370 THE HISTORY OF BAEEINGTOIS'. you very much, here is something worth coming to see. I would Be glad if you would Rite to me as often as you Can, I want to know how my orchard is like to yield for I shall want some syder to drink when I get home. Remember me to all enquiring friends, so no more at present, I remain your friend until Death. Matthew Allin. The following permit to Barrington men "to fish upon the shores of this State," is valuable as evidence of the careful patrol of Narragansett Bay by our troops, but is more valu- able as containing the autograph of Major-General William Heath, of the United States Army, and the Count de Rochambeau, commander of the French forces, who aided the Colonists in their long struggle for independence: Newport, Aug. i6, 1780. " This may certify that James Drown, James Brown, and Josiah Vial are Friends to the United States, and Permission may be Granted to fish upon the shores of this State, Con- sistent with the Publick Safety, and it is recommended that the same be granted accordingly. R. Elliott, Intoidant of Trade. Approved, W. Heath, M. G. Vue et ipprouv^ pour tous les postes de I'armee de Terre, par nous. Lieutenant General des Armees, de S. M, T. C. Le Cte. de Rochambeau." List of Soldiers Under the Command of Capt. THOMAS ALLIN. Lieut., Viall Allen. Etis/gti., Dan. Kinnicutt. Serg'eants. Richard Harding, Nath. Smith, George Salisbury, Micah Carj. Drummer, Sam. Short. Fifer, Joseph Viall Allen.