Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/490

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392 THE HISTOEY OF BAKEtNGTON. Peck, David. Son of David and Sarah Peck, b. Aug. i8, 1746; served in Capt. Thomas Allin's Co; was a soldier of Capt. Viall Allen's Co. in 1780. " Mil. Papers," R. I. Hist. Soc. Peck, Ebenezer, Maj. Son of Solomon and Kezia Peck, b. Dec. 11, 1762. He was an ardent patriot, and performed military service, record of which the writer has not been able to find. When a political enemy died, he would say contemptuously, "Another Tory gone." He rep- resented the town in the General Assembly, 1810-1815. He died April 20, 1816. His widow received a pension. Peck, Joel. Son of David and Sarah Peck, b. Aug. 28, 1759. Enlisted in Capt. Thomas Aliin's Co., June 4, 1777; received bounty of £6, advanced pay £2, 12s., and some clothing; d. Nov. 11, 1833. His widow received a pension. Peck, Lewis. Son of David and Sarah Peck, b. May 30, 1761. Served on the militia guard of Harrington from April 5, to May 20, 1778. Peck, Nathaniel, Maj. Son of Solomon and Kezia Peck, b. Dec. 17, 1759. Was a soldier of Capt. Samuel Bosworth's Artillery Co.; appeared on the alarm at Bristol, April i, 1776. He was also one of the guard appointed by Col. Nathan Miller, June 5, 1777, to serve on Rumstick 15 days; served on the militia guard of Barrington from April 5, to May 20, 1778. He afterward held a major's commission. Peck, Nicholas. Private in Capt. Thomas Allin's Co., Col. Chris. Smith's Reg., 17S1. Peck, Solomox, Capt. Brother of Nathaniel, b. Oct. 29, 1738. Was clerk of the militia company of Barrington under Capt. Thomas Allin as early as March 18, 1776, as appears by an order addressed to him by the captain. His signature appears in a bold, round hand as clerk, giving a list of persons who appeared from Barrington on the alarm at Bristol, April i, 1776. Henry Bowen, town treasurer, acknowledges the receipt of 15s., gd. from Mr. Solomon Peck as clerk of the militia for fines for the year 1776. He was also clerk under Capt. Viall Allen in 1778. Solomon Peck as sergeant was sent to warn the militia draught for the 2d Division to relieve those on duty to appear at Col. Nathaniel Martin's house Saturday, 21st of June, 1777, completely equipped by Daniel Kinnicutt, lieutenant. On the i2th of May, 1788, Gov. John Collins commissioned Solomon Peck, gentleman, as captain of the Senior Class Co. of Militia in the County of Bristol; d. Aug. 22, 1814. Read, David, Capt. Was a soldier of Capt. Viall Allen's Co., in 1780. He probably followed the sea later in life, as he was known as Capt. David Read; d. at Hispaniola, Aug. 5, 1795. "Mil. Papers," R. I. Hist. Soc. Read, Samuel. Soldier in Capt. Thomas Allin's Co., Col. Smith's Reg.; fifteen months U. S. Service; enlisted June 4, 1777.