Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/500

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400 THE HISTORY OF BARErNGTON. Thurber, John, Toogood, Samuel, Tiffany, Ebenezer, Tiffany, Prince, Negro slave, Titus, Simeon, Townsend, Solomon, Jr., Qmr., Treffern, (orTrafton,) Cromwell, Treffern, Philip, Captain, Tripp, Consider, Tyler, Moses, Lieutenant, Tyler, William, Viall, Allen, Viall, John, Captain, Viall, Joseph, Sergeant, Viall, Josiah, Viall, Nathaniel, Viall, Samuel, Lieutenant, Viall, Sylvester, Watson, John, Watson, Matthew, Watson, Pomp, Negro slave, Watson, Prince, Negro slave. Further studies of the Revolutionary period may add the names and services of other Barrington soldiers to the Roll of Honor. THE Revolutionary Patriots of Barrington, whose Graves HAVE BEEN DECORATED WITH MARKERS OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Abbreviations. B.H.— Burial Hill, north of Hundred Acre Cove. P. H.— Prince's Hill. T. P.— Tyler's Point, on New Meadow Neck. L. N.— Little Neck, at Wanna- moisett, near Riverside. A. Y. — AUin Yard, west of Annawomscutt Creek at Drown- ville. W. Y.— Watson Yard. B. R. I. A.— Barrington Rural Improvement Associa- tion. R. I. S. of A. R.— R. I. Society of Sons of the American Revolution. NAME. BORN. 1. Adams, Ebenezer 1762 2. Adams, Nudigate 1753 3. Allen, Joseph V 1762 4. AUin, Matthew 1744 5. Allen, Samuel 1739 6. Allin, Thomas 1742 7. Allen, Viall 1744 8. Barnes, Samuel 1756 9. Bean, Thomas S 1758 10. Bicknell, Asa 1747 11. Bicknell, Joshua 1759 12. Bicknell, Winchester.. 1761 13. Bosworth, Edward 1716 14. Bosworth, Samuel.... 1744 15. Brown, William 1734 BURIED DIED. AT. I7S2 P. H. 1798 P. H. 17S0 P. H. 1794 A.Y. 1808 p. H. 1800 A.Y. 1787 P. H. 1803 p. H. 1839 P. H. 1799 P. H. 1837 P. H. 1782 P. H. 1800 P. H. 1824 P. H. 1817 P. H. MARKED BY. B. R. L A. Joseph Adams. R. I. S. of A. R. Samuel M. Drown. B. R. I. A. Capt. Samuel Allin. The Misses Allin. B. R. I. A. Benson Bean. Frank J. Bicknall. Edward J. Bicknall. Thomas W. Bicknell. B. R. I. A. Leonard P. Bosworth. Harriet A. Rea.