Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/564

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458 THE HISTORY OF BARRINGTON. ancient road to Providence Ferry, inasmuch as Barring- ton had at great expense, obtained by a lottery, built a good and sufficient Highway to the Rehoboth line." A meeting of citizens of Barrington, Warren, Bristol, and Providence, interested in the new road and bridge, was held at Major Cole's Hall, Warren, February 20, 1802, "in order to facilitate a communication between the towns of Warren & Barrington, and between the different parts of the town of Barrington, as well as for a great public road from Warren to Providence in the most direct route." The subscribers also agreed to associate into a Company for the purpose of building a Toll Bridge across Warren & Barrington Rivers, at a place called Little Island, beginning at the foot of the street from the house of John Jolls and thence over Little Island to Tyler's Point, thence to an highway between the houses of Widow Bosworth and John Low — or in such other place thereabouts as may be judged best. SUBSCRIPTIONS. SHARES. SHARES. Charles Collins, Jr Ten Solomon Townsend, Jr., .. . Two Nicholas Campbell Six Nathan Child Three Jabez Bullock Five John Short One Nath'l Smith Five Preserved Alger Two Joshua Bicknell Five Watson Ingraham One Joseph C. Mauran Five Wm. Carr Two Sam'l Martin Eight John Champlin Two Wm. D'Wolf Ten Eben'r Cole Ten Thomas Kinnicutt Five James W. Brayton Two Joseph Adams Two Caleb Carr Three Matthew Watson Two Wm. Collins Two Nath'l Sanders One Ja's D'Wolf Five John Carr One Anderson Martin One William Easterbrooks One Total Shares Warren, February 20th, 1802. Immediately after the Subscription was filled, a petition was drawn up & signed by the proprietors ; likewise, another by the inhabitants of Barrington in general, and a third by