Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/640

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522 THE HISTORY OP BAERINGTON. and Prince's Hill. He advocated a town hall long before the town saw the need of it, and made plans for a public cemetery at Prince's Hill, on lands south of and adjoining^ Prince's Pond. Mr. Staples was the leader in the organiza- tion of St. John's Church, and to his earnest efforts more than to those of any and all others was its existence due. His acquaintance with parliamentary tactics and with com- mon law made him a valuable presiding ofBcer and moderator of the annual town meetings. The town chose him as its Representative in 1857-8. The Congregational Church, whose history had been so marked with unhappy divisions and hindrances to its growth for the years between 1830 and 1850, was most .fortunate, for itself and the town, in securing for the pastorate, Rev. Francis Horton, who was the minister of the people and a citizen of Barrington for over sixteen years from 1856. Mr. Horton was a scholarly man, a good preacher, and withal a man whose life mingled and blended with the life of the community. He was a peacemaker, and, with positive con- victions, he easily won public assent and consent in social and moral reforms. He labored to make all men helpful in the social order. He used all men for noble ends, while he was the servant of all. He was a wise man in his plans, and usually successful in their execution. So genial was his nature, so broad and manly his character, that the towns- people came to feel that he was their leader by a divine right. Hence, in education, in public improvements, in the home life of the people, Mr. Horton was always a wise coun- sellor and a welcome friend. Since the days of Townsend and Watson, Barrington had never known such a wise master-builder in church and society, and at his death the town passed resolutions of appreciation of his noble, unselfish life, devoted to the interests of the whole people as well as those of the church of which he was the beloved pastor and teacher for so many years. His life belongs to New Bar- rington, and will long live a part of its integral history. Associated and working in harmony with these men and agencies, were other strong men and women by the score.