Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/686

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560 THE HISTORY OF BARRINGTON. Prince's Pond Ice. Prince's Pond has been turned to most valuable uses during the last twentj-five years, in its supplies of ice for Barrington and Warren people. Mr. Ebenezer Tiffany has conducted the business with excellent success, and the purity of the water is a guarantee of health as well as coolness to the patrons. Water Companies. The Barrington Water Company was formed in i8S6, for the purpose of supplying the town with pure running water, deriving its supply from the Kickemuit River and reservoir in Warren. It was originally intended to supply the residents at Nayatt Point, but its franchise and supplies allowed it to be carried to any part of the town. Drinking fountains have been established, one at Barrington Centre, supplied by this com- pany, and one at Drownville, supplied by the Drownville Company. Others will eventually be erected in other parts of the town. As a plen- tiful supply of pure water is one of the most important elements in the healthy growth of a town, it is a matter of great consequence that the town is so well provided for. The president of the Barrington Water Company is Mr. J. U. Starkweather, to whose enterprise the introduction of this supply is largely due. Associated with him are Mr. Lucian Sharpe, Charles H. Merriman, and other prominent citizens of Nayatt. The Dro-wnville Water Company vfd.?, incorporated in 18S7, for the pur- pose of supplying the village at Drownville with pure water, taken from springs near Annawomscutt Brook, near which the pumping station is located. A tank of 53,000 gallons capacity is located on a ledge at the east, 105 feet above the brook, and supplies the pressure and distributes the water. The authorized capital of the company is $20,000; the annual operating expenses about $800; sales of water have increased from $349.34 in 1888, to about $1,000 at the present time. The minimum cost of water from a single stop is $10. David A. Waldron was the first pres- ident, until his death; present officers : John Jenckes, president; Charles F. Anthony, secretary; George T. Baker, Treasurer. Annawomscutt Mills. The Annavjomsctitt Mills, located near Annawomscutt Brook, at Drownville, was incorporated in 1897, with an authorized capital of $100,000. Its principal business is the coloring and finishing of cotton goods. The cloth used in the covers of " The History of Barrington " was finished at " The Annawomscutt Mills." Telegraph Line. In 1844 the Morse telegraph line carried the first message to the people, announcing that James K. Polk had been elected the President of the United States. The telegraph line was constructed between Providence