Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/78

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memory of the visit made to Massassoit in 1623. An Indian, Hobbamock, went as a guide, for Squanto, Winslow's guide in his first visit had died some time before. The story is given in Winslow's own graphic words, though his account is somewhat shortened. "We set forward and lodged the first night at Namasket.[1] The next day, about one o'clock, we came to a ferry[2] in Conbitants country. Upon my discharging my piece, divers Indians came to us from a house not far off. There they told us that Massassowat was dead and that day buried. This news struck us blank, but especially Hobbamock, who desired we might return with all speed. I told him I would first think of it, considering now that he being dead, Conbitant was most like to succeed him, and that we were not above three miles from Mattapuyst, his dwelling-place. Although he were but a hollow-hearted friend to us, I thought no time so fit as this to enter more friendly terms with him and the rest of the sachems thereabout; and though it was somewhat dangerous in respect of our personal safety, because myself and Hobbamock had been employed upon a service against him which he might fitly revenge, yet esteeming it the best means, leaving the event to God in His mercy, I resolved to put it in practice if Master Hampden and Hobbamock durst attempt it with me; whom I found willing to that or any other course might tend to the general good. So we went toward Mattapuyst. In the way, Hobbamock brake forth in these speeches: 'My loving sachem, O my loving sachem! Man have I known, but never any like thee.' And turning him to me, said, whilst I lived, I should never see his like amongst the Indians; saying he was no liar, he was not bloody and cruel like other Indians, from anger and passion he was soon reclaimed easy to be reconciled toward such as had offended him; and that he governed his men better with few strokes than others with many; truly loving where he loved; yea he feared we had not a faithful friend left among

  1. Middlebourough, Mass.
  2. Across the Taunton River.