Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/441

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V.-} BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 405 a devotional fervour, are we not reminded of stories about Vishnu so exactly alike, described in Vaisnava books as Narottam Vilas and_ Bhakti Ratnakar? In the latter, the mythological deeds of Visnu are found marked by temples, while in the former the scenes of Buddha’s conquest of demons are said to have been marked by pillars of Agoka Raja. The religious history prevalent in the coun- try merely changed name when the Buddhist theology passed into Vaisnavism and a careful study of the two religions will shew them often to be as similar as the image of Avalokitegwar of the Buddhists and Vasudeva of the Hindus. But this detracts nothing from the praise due to the Vaisnavas. They infused new life, where vitality was sinking. It is true, materials lay all around in the shape of a spirit of devotion anda desire for renunciation. But in the world materials are at no time wanting. It is only when a great power works them up to their highest capacity and leads to striking success that we have opportunities of observing that they were capable of such achieve- ments. Buddhism and Vaisnavism, besides, originally differed in their tenets, one laying stress on knowledge and the other on devotion. It was only. when the higher classes of the Mahayanists had left the country, that the Buddhist masses found it possible to accept a leader who preached the doctrine of Shakti (devotion), without reserviag a place fur J/zan -(knowledge) in his theology. - Credit due to the Vaisnavas 10110 ৫2. mental difference.