Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/531

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Lochan Das is still preserved in the house of one | Ram Krisna Chakravarti who is a professional singer of Chaitanya Mangal. (f) Brief accounts of Vaisnava devotees, There are numerous other works in which the incidents of Chaitanya Deva’s life are described. It should be stated here that notices of Sanskrit books, such as Chaitanya Chandrodaya by Kavi Karnapur, Kadcha by Murari Gupta and_ other works dealing with the life of Chaitanya Deva do not fall within the scope of the present treatise. Besides Chaitanya Deva, but inseparately asso- ciated with him, were Nityananda and Advaitachar- yya two great recognised apostles of the Vaisnava faith of whom we have already spoken. Nityananda was born at Ekchaka in 1473 A.D.and Advaitachar- yya was a grandson of Narasinha, the primeminister of Raja Ganecga. This Raja is said to have killed the Mahomedan Emperor, and gained the throne of Gauda for himself by the counsel of his prime- minister. Advaita’s father, Kuvar Pandit was originally an inhabitant of Sylhet and had latterly settled at Cantipur. Advaitacharyya was born in 1434, and lived to a hoary old age till 1557. Accounts of Nityananda are to be found in almost _ all the biographical works of the Vaisnavas. His _ grandfather’s name was Sundara Malla, his father’s name HaraiOjha. This apostle had two wives—Ba- sudha and Jahnavi—two sisters ; they were daughters of Suryya Das Sarkel, an inhabitant of Caligram near Amvikanagar in the district of Burdwan. The _ Vaisnava singers are never weary of singing songs V.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & ‘LITERATURE. 495 a 1 / Nitya- nanda born 1473 A.D. _Advait Acharyya 1434— 1557 A.D. Particulars about Nitya- nanda.