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of escaping, and was not long in contriving a probable scheme for the execution of my plan. I requested the fairies to allow me a netting-needle, a mesh, and some cord, that I might make some nets, and amuse myself with catching birds at my window. This request they readily complied with; and in a short time I completed a ladder long enough to reach the ground. When the young gentleman next came under my window I told him what I had done, and invited him to come into my room, to which he rapturously consented. I then let down the ladder, which he mounted, and quickly entered my turret. Whilst we were talking, one of the fairies, mounted on a dragon, rushed in at the window of my room. One of them then touched me with a wand, and I instantly became a white cat. The same fairy then informed me of the death of my parents; and pronounced upon me as a sentence, 'that I should not be restored to my natural form until a young prince, the exact resemblance of him whom I had already seen and lost, should cut off my head and tail, and cast them into a fire. You, my prince, are that exact resemblance, and you have dissolved the enchantment."

The prince and princess set out together, in a car of extraordinary splendour and reached their destination just as the two brothers had arrived, each with a beautiful lady.

The king having heard that all his sons had succeeded in finding and obtaining what he had exacted, again began to think of some fresh expedient to procrastinate the surrender of his crown. The elder princes felt indignant that such beautiful and interesting ladies as had consented to accompany them should be subjected to such unmerited disappointment. The youngest prince was so enraptured with his princess, that he scarcely thought about the competition, At that instant the princess advanced, and addressed the old monarch.

"I lament that your majesty, who is so capable of governing, should have thought of resigning the crown. I am so fortunate as to have six kingdoms included in my empire. Permit me to bestow one on each of the elder princes, and to enjoy the remaining four with your youngest son. And may it please your majesty to keep your own kingdom, and make no decision concerning the beauty of the princesses before you, each of whom will live happily with her respective prince."

The loud acclamations that reached the ear of the young prince awakened him, for the morning was far advanced; and his servant was calling him out of bed, where he had only been dreaming, the first night after he had set out on his travels.