Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/104

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Respecting the management of the revenues in 1829-30 there is little or nothing to be said beyond noting the fact that Osio, Jimeno, and Bandini are mentioned as comisarios during 1830, without much regard to chronology. It would seem that after the revolt Jimeno was restored to his old position, and that Bandini was appointed before the end of the year, though there is inextricable confusion, not only in dates, but in the offices of comisario, administrador, and contador.[1]

    tioned in print by Mofras, Explor., i. 293-4; Petit-Thouars, Voy., ii. 90-1; Lafond, Voy., 209; Pickett, in Shuck's Rep. Men, 227; Wilkes, Narr., v. 173-4; Capron, Hist. Cal., 37-8; Tuthill, Hist. Cal., 130-1; Robinson, Life in Cal., 69-70; and Flint, Pattie's Narr., 222-30.

  1. See Dept. St. Pap., MS., ii. 155-6; iii. 209-10; Id., Ben. Mil., lxii. 22; lxxiii. 53; lxxiv. 6; Dept. Rec., MS., vii. 246-8; Leg. Rec., MS., i. 269, 281-90. Apr. 25, 1830, the Californian diputado in congress urged the uselessness of sending special officers to manage the revenues. Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., iv. 898. Jimeno was appointed contador on Sept. 30, 1829, by the min. de hacienda, but declined the place in Nov. 1830. Oct. 21, 1830, Echeandía, Bandini, and Jimeno met at Monterey, and decided on the following custom-house organization at Monterey: administrador, with duties of comisario, at $1,000 per year; contador, with duties of vista, at $800; commandant of the guard, with duties of alcalde, at $800; guarda and clerk at $400; servant at $144; patron and two sailors at $144 and $96. Dept. St. Pap., MS., ii. 155-6.