Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/109

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of 1828 the governor still pretended to be waiting for a vessel on which to send him away.

On the 28th of April, 1826, Echeandía with Zamorano as secretary and the alcalde of Los Angeles met padres Sanchez, Zalvidea, Peyri, and Martin at San Diego to take counsel respecting the taking of the constitutional oath by the friars. The representatives of the latter said there was no objection to the oath except that it compelled them to take up arms, or use their influence in favor of taking up arms, for differences of political opinion. They would take the oath with the supplement "So far as may be compatible with our religion and profession;" but Echeandía would not agree to any change in the formula, and directed that a circular be sent out requiring each padre to explain his views on the subject.[1] June 3d the circular was issued through the comandantes to the friars; but it was not so much a call for views and arguments as for a formal decision in writing whether each would take the oath or not.[2] The answers of the five padres of the San Diego district were sent in on the 14th. Padre Peyri was willing to take the oath, and was enthusiastic in his devotion to the national cause. Martin had already sworn, and did not approve of taking two oaths on the same subject. The rest were ready to take the oath in the manner indicated at the junta of April 28th; that is, to be republicans so far as was compatible with their profession and so long as they might remain in California. Replies from the Monterey jurisdiction, sent

    orders of July 9, 1825, and Nov. 15, 1826, to depart. Supt. Govt St. Pap., MS., xix. 43. June 30, 1828, E. to min. of justice. S. will be sent away as soon as there is a vessel for Europe or the U. S. Dept. Rec., MS., vi. 30.

  1. Dept. St. Pap., MS., i. 128-9. The old trouble was still active in 1926, for on May 1st Capt. Argüello reported that yesterday having called on P. Abella to take part in the celebration of the pope's recognition of national independence, the padre refused. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., MS., lvii. 13-14. Next day it was complained that P. Esténega declined to perform religious services in connection with the publication of certain bandos. Arch. Arzob., MS., v. pt i. 4. April 28th, record of the council referred to in the text. Dept. St. Pap., MS., i. 128-9.
  2. June 3, 1826, E. to com. of Monterey. Dept. St. Pap., MS., i. 134.