Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/12

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Bandini Elected to Congress No Sessions of the Diputacion in 1833 The Northern Frontier Figueroa Resigns A Warning- Mutiny at San Francisco The Diputacion in 1834 Address by the Governor Legislative Affairs The First Book Printed in California Reglamento Petaluma and Santa Rosa Santa Anna y Farias Conspiracy of Guerra and Duran New Election Events in Mexico Padre s and his Schemes Colonization Hijar as Gefe Politico Colony Organized Compania Cosmopolitana Political Schemes The March to Tepic Voyage of the Natalia and Mordos Re ception of the Colony at San Diego and Monterey Wreck of the Natalia Authorities 240




Santa Anna Orders Figueroa not to Give up the Command to Hljar Quick Time from Mexico Hijar Demands the Mission Property His Instructions Action of the Diputacion Lost Prestige of Padres Bando Controversy Bribery Submission of the Directors Aid to the Colonists At Solano New Quarrel Rumored Plots Revolt of Apaldtegui and Torres Pronunciamiento of the Sonorans Sur render Legal Proceedings Figueroa s Orders Seizure of Arms at Sonoma Arrest of Verduzco and Lara Exile of Hijar and Padre s Figueroa s Manifiesto Sessions of the Diputacion Carrillo in Con gress Los Angeles Made Capital Foundation of Sonoma Death of Figueroa Life and Character Castro Gefe Politico Gutierrez Comandante General Estudillo s Claims . 270




Echeandia s Plan of 1830 Decree of 1831 The Comisionados Views of the Padres Carrillo s Efforts in Mexico The Pious Fund Events of 1832 Diputacion and Friars Echeandia s Reglamento Notes of Padre Sanchez Ikichelot and Short Exiles from the

Hawaiian Islands New Missionaries in 1833 The Zacatecanos

Division of the Missions Troubles m the North Flogging Neo phytesSupplies for San Francisco Misconduct of Padre Mercado at San Rafael Massacre of Gentiles Figueroa s Instructions on Secularization Echeandia s Regulations Figueroa s Policy Ex periments in the South Provisional Rules Emancipation in Prac ticeProjects of President Duran Figueroa s Report against Secu larizationMexican Decrees of 1833 President and Prefect. . . 301