Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/147

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California were added to an Italian translation of the voyager's narrative, made by his father, Carlo Botta, also famous as a poet and historian. Lieutenant Edmond Le Netrel also wrote a journal, a large part of which has been published.[1]

On January 27, 1827, the Héros, coming from Mazatlan, anchored at Yerba Buena. It yet lacked several months of the proper time for obtaining hides and tallow, but the time could be employed in arranging bargains with the padres; and while the captain remained at the port his supercargo, 'il Signor R——,' visited the missions of the district with samples of goods to be sold. After a month's stay, marked by adventures with grizzly bears and an earthquake, the traders sailed south March 7th, carrying three Indian prisoners condemned to confinement at San Diego. Touching at Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Bárbara, and San Pedro, they reached San Diego April 18th. Here the supercargo was left, while Duhaut-Cilly made a trip to Mazatlan and back before June 11th. 'Il Signor R——' proceeded northward to San Francisco by land, while the captain, having experienced an earthquake, and made a tour to San Luis Rey, anchored at Santa Bárbara on the 29th, and at San Francisco on July 17th. During this visit the Frenchman made excursions to Santa Clara, San José, and San Francisco Solano. In August they

  1. Duhaut-Cilly, Voyage autour du monde, principalement á la Californie et aux Isles Sandwich pendant les années 1826, 1827, 1828, et 1829. Par A. Duhaut-Cilly. Paris, 1835. 8vo. 428 p. plate. Of this original French edition I have only a fragment in my collection, and my references are therefore to the following: Duhaut-Cilly, Viaggio intorno al Globo, principalmente alla California ed alle isole Sandvich, negli anni 1826, 1827, 1828, e 1829, di A. Duhaut-Cilly, capitano di lungo corso, cav. della Legion d'Onore, ecc. Con l'aggiunta delle osservazioni sugli abitanti di quei paesi di Paolo Emilio Botta. Traduzione dal francese nell' italiano de Carlo Botta. Turin, 1841. 8vo. 2 vol. xvi. 206 p. 1 l.; 392 p. plates. The portion added to this translation, Botta, Osservazioni sugli abitanti delle isole Sandwich e della California de Paolo Emilio Botta. Fatte nel suo viaggio intorno al globo col Capitano Duhaut-Cilly, occupies p. 339-92 of vol. ii.; that part relating to Cal. is found on p. 367-78. These notes had originally appeared as Botti, Observations sur les habitans de la Californie, in Nouv. Annales des Voyages, lii. 156-66. Le Netrel, Voyage autour du Monde, etc. Extrait du journal de M. Edmond Le Netrel, Lieutenant à bord de ce vaisseau (Le Héros), in Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, xlv. 129-82.