Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/160

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the Pacific. They were married on the evening of July 3d at Valparaiso, by the curate Orrego, Capt. Barry being one of the witnesses. Subsequently they returned to Callao and Lima.

The elopement of Señorita Carrillo was naturally much talked of in California; rumors were current that she had been forcibly abducted from her home, and the ecclesiastical authorities were greatly scandalized. Next year, however, Fitch made his appearance in command of the Leonor, having on board also his wife and infant son. He touched at San Diego in July 1830, and thence came up to San Pedro. Here he received a summons from Padre Sanchez at San Gabriel, vicar and ecclesiastical judge of the territory, to present himself for trial on most serious charges; but he merely sent his marriage certificate by Virmond for the vicar's inspection, and sailed up the coast for Santa Bárbara and Monterey. Sanchez at once sent an order to Monterey that Fitch be arrested and sent to San Gabriel for trial, Doña Josefa being deposited in some respectable house at the capital. This order was executed by Echeandía at the end of August on the arrival of the Leonor.[1] The lady was sent to Captain Cooper's house, and the husband was placed under arrest. He claimed, however, to be unable to travel by land. He protested against imprisonment as ruinous to his business, complained that the trial had not been begun at San Diego, and asked that at least he might be allowed to travel by sea. José Palomares, to whom as fiscal Padre Sanchez submitted this request, gave a radical report against Fitch September 17th, declaring him entitled to no concessions, his offences being most heinous, and his intention being evidently to run away again. Yet Sanchez concluded to permit the trip by sea, on Virmond becoming

    the Vulture, and the part taken by Capt. Richard Barry in the matter confirms her statement.

  1. Aug. 29, 1830, E.'s order to Alf. Nieto to arrest Fitch. Dept. Rec., MS., viii. 98.