Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/196

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names of foreigners in this year's records, several belonging to men whose presence is noted in consequence of the regulations just mentioned, but about whom no more is known than that they were here in 1828-9. Pioneers proper number eighteen, as per appended list.[1] Several of these became in later times locally prominent; and one of the number, Henry A. Peirce, is still living in 1884, being in a sense the oldest living pioneer within my knowledge, though he has by no means resided continuously in California. Two or three detected attempts at smuggling, together with the presence of Pattie and his trappers from New Mexico, were the leading topics of interest for 1828, as far as foreigners were concerned.

In 1829 Echeandía continued to circulate the passport regulations for the benefit of foreigners and of local officials. He still received numerous applications for permits to remain, to travel, to marry, or to become naturalized, and called for full reports of resident foreigners.[2] It is from these reports, and the various certificates connected with the applications above referred to, that I have obtained much of the information presented elsewhere respecting individuals; still the lists are incomplete, and have to be perfected from numerous scattered documents.[3] Eche-

    24 hours to the civil authority of the port, who will visé the passport. To travel in the interior a carta de seguridad for a year must be obtained. Whatever passports a foreigner might have, he must present himself to the civil authorities of any place where he intended to remain over 8 days, and on each change of residence. Due provision was made for renewal of licenses, penalties for failure to comply with the law, and for full reports to be sent to the government.

  1. Pioneers of 1828: Stephen Anderson, Louis Bouchet, John Brown (?), John Davis, Jesse Ferguson, Richard Laughlin, Timothy Murphy, Sylvester Pattie, Henry A. Peirce, Wm Pope, Nathaniel Pryor, Isaac Slover, Wm Taylor, James Thompson, Wm Warren (?) the negro, Edward Watson, Wm Willis, and Julian Wilson. For biographical sketches, see Pioneer Register at the end of vol. ii.-v., this work.
  2. Dept. Rec., MS., vii. 59, 86, 105, 176; Dept. St. Pap., MS., xix. 20-2; St. Pap., Sac., MS., xi. 4; Vallejo. Doc., MS., xxix. 310.
  3. Naturalization records in Dept. St. Pap., MS., xix. passim. List of 48 names dated Feb. 14th, in Id., xix. 44. List of 44 names in Monterey district Feb. 16th, in Id., ii. 115. List of 7 names in S. José, Feb. 5th. Id., xix. 3. List of 7 at Los Angeles Feb. 14th, in Monterey, Arch., MS., vii. 24-5. Apparently 2 foreigners at S. F. Dept. St. Pap., MS., ii. 97-8. There are no lists for Sta Bárbara or S. Diego.