Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/214

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new alcalde be chosen.[1] There is no record of immediate action on this order; but on April 18th the ayuntamiento deposed Sanchez, putting Regidor Juan Alvarado in his place. At first Victoria did not object to the change, but a few days later, probably learning that it had been in some way in the interest of Echeandía's party, he discovered that the movement had been a revolutionary and illegal one. So he wrote a severe reprimand to Alvarado, ordered him to restore Sanchez to office, and announced that he would soon come down to Los Angeles to make an investigation. The order was obeyed and Sanchez was reinstated.[2] In June, for reasons that do not appear, Victoria saw fit to revive the matter by sending Lieutenant Argüello to make investigations and administer rebukes. The 21st of July he sent back the sumario that had been formed by Argüello, and ordered that the regidores Alvarado and Perez, with six other citizens of Los Angeles, should be put in prison. They were never released by Victoria's order.[3]

One of Alcalde Sanchez's quarrels was with José Antonio Carrillo. The exact nature of the trouble is not explained; but in March Carrillo was taken into custody as a defrauder. He escaped, but gave himself up to the comandante of Santa Bárbara on March 21st, and was kept in confinement there for some fifty days. At the end of that time he was sent down to San Diego, and immediately banished to San Vicente on the frontier by Victoria's order. How Carrillo had offended the governor is not recorded, but it is to be

  1. Dept. Rec., MS., ix. 84-5.
  2. April 21st, 23d, V. to Alvarado. Dept. Rec., MS., ix. 99-102. The com. of Sta B. reports having felt some alarm when he first heard of Sanchez's removal, but soon learned that no harm was intended. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 9-10. April 25th, Alvarado to V., saying that Sanchez had been reinstated. April 26th, Sanchez to V., complaining of his wrongs at the hands of foes. Regidor José Perez was arrested, but let out on bail. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Pref. y Juzg., MS., iii. 54-5.
  3. Leg. Rec., MS., i. 307-8, 349-50; Dept. Rec., MS., ix. 108-10. The six citizens were Tomás Talamantes, Francisco Sepúlveda, José María Ávila, Máximo Alanis, Demesio Dominguez, and José María Aguilar. Capt. Barroso took Argüello's place in August.