Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/241

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feited their rights. Third, to remove anxiety, uphold lawful authority, and prevent catastrophe at Santa Bárbara, as large a force as can be spared should be sent there at once, but not to attempt operations against the rebels unless they should attack that place. In case of such attack, the comandante may not only repel the foe, but if circumstances permit, may advance to San Diego and capture the rebel leaders. He must communicate the proceedings of this meeting to the officer in command of the rebels, summoning them all to give up their arms, and suspending all from office. Should they refuse, they are to be warned not to advance beyond the points they now occupy. Fourth, the comisario subalterno, Gomez, will not obey Bandini, but communicate directly with the comisario general in Sonora. Fifth, the garrison at San Francisco having pronounced in favor of the legitimate authority, and arrested their comandante, Sanchez, who had approved the San Diego plan, the retired lieutenant, Ignacio Martinez, shall be placed in command there. Sixth, the acting comandante general must report these proceedings to the supreme government, with mention of the services rendered by foreigners, and lists of soldiers and civilians who have remained loyal.[1]

  1. Pronunciamiento de Monterey contra el Plan de San Diego, ó sea Acta de la Junta de 1ᵒ de Febrero 1832 en favor de la legitima autoridad y contra D. José María Echeandía, MS. Copy certified by Zamorano on Feb. 2d, and several other certified copies. The signers were Capt. Agustin V. Zamorano, comandante of Monterey; Lic. Rafael Gomez, asesor of the territory; José Joaquin Gomez, comisario subalterno of Monterey; Salvador Espinosa, alcalde; W. E. Hartnell and Juan B. Bonifacio, commanders of the foreign military company; Juan María Ibarra, lieut of the Mazatlan company; Juan Malarin, honorary 2d lieut of national navy; Francisco Pacheco, brevet lieut; and José María Madrazo, sergt of artillery detachment. Feb. 1st. Zamarano reports the action of the junta to the alcalde of S. José. S. José, Arch., MS., iii. 9. Feb. 2d, sends copies to S. F., S. José, and Branciforte. Vallejo, Doc., MS., i. 289. Feb. 6th, Z. announces to comandantes and alcaldes that the garrison and citizens of Sta Bárbara had 'pronounced' in favor of legitimate authority, deposing the comandante, Alf. Domingo Carrillo, who had adhered to the S. Diego plan. All accomplished in a most happy manner. Id., i. 290. Feb. 12th, Z. to Echeandía, sends copy of the proceedings of Feb. 1st, and the summons required by that document to surrender, promising the clemency of the govt to him and his followers if he accepts. Id., i. 296. April 2d, Alf. Sanchez, laving repented, is restored