Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/244

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streams of blood talked of, holding his opponents responsible before God and the world.[1]

The diputacion, willing to forget for the time its own wrongs at the hands of Echeandía, assembled at his call at San Diego to consider measures for checking the disorders that must result from the new pronunciamiento, "this duty devolving on the assembly for want of a gefe político." The members were unanimous in their condemnation of Zamorano's junta, especially of its attempt to suspend the diputacion, a body with whose acts even the national government had declared itself powerless to interfere, said Argüello, except after reference to congress. At a second meeting, March 22d, Pico expressed sentiments very similar to those of Bandini already cited; and it was resolved to issue a circular to the ayuntamientos, inviting them to preserve order, to recognize the diputacion, and to proceed with their ordinary municipal duties without paying the slightest attention to the junta which was tempting them into danger. After this rather mild action the assembly adjourned, apparently with the intention of meeting again at Los Angeles.[2]

But the legitimistas succeeded in their intrigues with the fickle ayuntamiento of Los Angeles, which body, on March 22d, laid before the people a communication from Zamorano, explaining the beauties of his system. To this system the assembled citizens "manifested themselves addicted;"[3] and Ibarra came inmediately from Santa Bárbara with a part of his force and encamped in the pueblo of the Angels. At San Luis Rey the members of the diputacion en route for

  1. March 15, 1832, Echcandía to Pico, transcribing his communication of the 14th to Zamorano. Vallejo, Doc., MS., i. 303.
  2. Leg. Rec., MS., i. 211-20. March 18th, Pico to Vallejo, inviting him to attend the meeting of next day. Vallejo, Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., i. 306. March 20th, Echeandía to Pico, reporting resolutions of the council of war at S. Diego March 7th, 8th, 13th, against Zamorano. Argüello and Vallejo had been present. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 44-5. The circular to the ayuntamientos was probably issued but intercepted by Zamorano's officials in the north.
  3. Los Angeles, Arch., MS., iv. 59-60.