Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/25

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On receipt of the constitution, Argüello at once summoned the diputados to assemble. The rivers were so swollen by the rains that the southern members could not come: but on the 26th of March the four Castros, with the president and secretary, met to ratify the new organic law of the nation. The document was read by Secretary Torre, and the oath was taken by governor and diputados. Then the constitution was read again in the plaza, and Argüello administered the oath to the garrison drawn up under arms, and to the assembled citizens of all classes. A salute of artillery, and the usual shouts of acclamation, with ringing of bells, repeated for three days, marked the act; but for the first time on such an occasion there was no mass, or sermon, or other religious ceremony, for Prefect Sarría declined to sanction republicanism. On the 28th of March Argüello forwarded copies of the constitution to the different presidios and pueblos, at each of which it was ratified with appropriate ceremonies before the end of May. At San Francisco Padre Esténega conducted the customary religious services, though it is not certain that he took the oath. At San Diego, as at Monterey, the padres refused to take any part in the ratification. At other places there is no record respecting the friars' action. Thus California become formally a territory of the Mexican republic.[1]

    of justice, even in their actual condition.' Mexico, Mem. Justicia, 1826, p. 6. General information on finances of California, and relief sent from Mexico in 1824-5, in Mexico, Mem. Hacienda, 1826, p. 27. Aug. 6th, Minister Alaman orders gefe político to report on the suspension of the assembly, and to propose an administrative system. Sup. Govt St. Pap., MS., iii. 9.

  1. I shall have more to say on the action of the friars. Action of the diputacion March 26th, in Leg. Rec., MS., i. 41-3. March 28th, Argüello sends out the new constitution to be ratified, and orders all copies of the old Spanish constitution to be collected. Dept Rec., MS., i. 116; St. Pap., Sac., MS., xiv. 37. Apr. 22d, constitution received at S. Francisco, and will be published on Sunday. St. Pap., Sac., MS., xix. 36. May 1st, comandante describes the ceremony, which took place Apr. 24th. The troops after three days were permitted to amuse themselves, $2 being given to each private and $3 to each corporal. Id., xiv. 41-2. April 30th, swearing of allegiance at Los Angeles, where, on petition of the citizens, the ayuntamiento, with the approval of the diputados, Palomares and Carrillo, set at liberty a prisoner, Juan José Higuera. Original record in Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., iv. 739, 743. May 1st, Comandante Ruiz