Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/256

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Figueroa and his men were now in a sad plight, with neither vessel, funds, arms, nor luggage. They went by land up to La Paz, where the last of the company arrived about the middle of October. The general reported his dilemma to the administrator of customs at Guaymas, who was urged to raise $10,000 and to furnish twenty-five muskets, with other supplies of absolute necessity.[1] The officials at Guaymas and Mazatlan seem to have exerted themselves in this emergency with some success; for on November 12th the Catalina had returned to La Paz and was ready to carry the party northward to their destination. On that date Figueroa delivered an address of encouragement to his men, reminding them of the evils that had overtaken or would overtake their rebellious companions, and of the good things awaiting them in California, "the land where the Aztecs lived before they came to Mexico."[2] They finally sailed from La Paz on December 13th, according to Gonzalez's diary, touched at Mazatlan from the 14th to the 17th, and arrived at Monterey on the 14th or 15th of January, 1833.

The news of Figueroa’s appointment had arrived as early as July at least, and Echeandía on the 28th, in an address to the Californians, spoke of his joy at the approach of a new ruler, urging the people to render implicit obedience, but to be ready with the proofs of their loyalty and the reasons for having deposed Vic-

    mutineers had been overpowered at S. Blas, part of the money recovered, and Rafael Nuñez sent to Guadalajara to be shot. Dept. St. Pap., MS.. iii. 53-61. Forbes, Hist. Cal., 139-42, says that the party was well received by the revolutionists at S. Blas, and that $3,000 of the funds had been sent back to the friars. Gonzalez in his diary mentions no firing, and I doubt that any occurred. Mention of the affair at San Lúcas in Alvarado, Hist. Cal., MS., ii. 194-5; Castro, Relacion, MS., 30; Vallejo, Hist. Cal., MS., ii. 193-9; Robinson's Life in Cal., 138-9; Ryan's Judges and Criminals, 39.

  1. Sept. 24th, F. at La Paz to administrator at Guaymas. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Cust.-H., MS., i. 33-5. Oct. 17th, Luis Valle, com. at Guaymas, to F. Will send the aid required.
  2. Nov. 12, 1832, F.'s address to his troops. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 58–61. I suspect that the date should be Dec. 12th. There had been some previous negotiations with the captain of the Facio to transport the troops. Id., iii. 62.