Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/265

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deemed of the utmost importance that the northern frontier up to latitude 42° be occupied by Mexicans, either as settlers, soldiers, or missionaries, as soon as possible. Accordingly in April the governor announced his purpose to found a presidio. He ordered Alférez Vallejo to make an exploration, select a site, and offer lands to settlers, appealed to the missions for aid, called in the convict laborers from private ranchos to work on the proposed fortifications, and reported his purposes to the government. The prefect of the northern missions, however, while fully approving the project, declared that no aid could be depended on, and so far as I can learn, nothing was accomplished before the end of the year.[1]

In March the governor had deemed the country pacified, and good order restored, and so reported; but his health was so impaired by rheumatic and apoplectic attacks that he asked to be relieved of his command.[2] His health improved, however, and from July to September he made a tour of the south, occupied largely in studying the condition of the missions; but while at San Diego on July 24th he addressed to the minister of relations a confidential letter of warning against a "clique of conceited and ignorant men" who were plotting to separate California from Mexico, and as a means to that end would do all in their power through their representative, Bandini, to secure a separation of the military and civil commands, and give the office of gefe político to a Californian. He declared himself strongly opposed to any such change, which would be "the germ of eternal discord," as there was not a single Californian even tolerably qualified for the office. His warning has every appearance of being prompted by personal ambition, though he disavowed any desire to retain the office

  1. Apr. 10th, 12th, F.'s letters to García Diego, and Apr. 15th, reply of the latter. St. Pap., Miss. and Colon., MS., ii. 299-308, Apr. 25th. P. Gutierrez to F. from Solano. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 116.
  2. March 25th, F. to min. of war. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 103.