Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/27

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reto on the schooner Nieves. Possibly he had come up from Acapulco on the Morelos, which was at San Blas at the time en route for Monterey; but I think not, though some of his officers came on that vessel and joined him there.[1] He remained at Loreto from June 22d until October, reorganizing peninsular affairs, issuing a reglamento, and appointing a sub gefe político.[2] He finally set out for Monterey by land on October 4th, but, worn out by the hardships of the route, soon despatched to Argüello an order to meet him at San Diego, where he arrived late in October.[3]

Meanwhile Argüello first heard of Echeandía’s appointment on July 4th by a letter from the latter dated June 25th, and announcing his arrival at Loreto en route for the capital. Later in the month, probably by the Morelos, came the official notice from Mexico.[4] The order to meet his successor at San Diego came about the 26th, on which date Argüello replied that the state of his health would not permit him to make the journey so rapidly as was ordered, but he would come slowly.[5] Two days later he sailed on a schooner for San Diego,[6] where he turned over his office in November. Though Argüello was doubtless displeased at this innovation on his own

  1. In April-May he was at Tepic, and had some trouble about collecting pay and supplies for his troops. St. Pap., Sac., MS., x. 27-9. He also asked to be relieved of the military command. Sup. Govt St. Pap., MS., iii. 4. June 7th he was at Tepic, expecting to sail on the Morelos, a new name for the old San Cárlos. Guerra, Doc., MS., vi. 139. For trip on the Nieves, see Pacheco's testimony in Herrera, Causa, MS., p. 67-8; St. Pap. Sac., MS., x. 31. Echeandía's statement in 1827 was that he sailed from S. Blas June 12th, and reached Loreto in 10 days. Dept Rec., MS., v. 103. June 25th he wrote to Argülleo from Loreto. Dept St. Pap., MS., i. 120-1.
  2. See Hist. North Mexican States, ii., this series.
  3. In July he sent up to S. Diego for mules. Arch. Arzob., MS., iv. pt ii. 150. Oct. 4th, started. Dept St. Pap. Ben. Mil., MS., lvii. 3. Oct. 18th, sent order to Argüello to come south. Guerra, Doc., MS., iv. 161-2. Oct. 31st, writes from S. Diego. Dept St. Pap., MS., i. 74; Dept Rec., MS. ii. 6.
  4. July 4th, Argüello to comandantes with purport of Echeandía's letter. Dept St. Pap., MS., i. 120-1. July 22d-3d-8th, Argüello had received official intelligence. Id., Ben. Mil., MS., liv. 9; Dept. Rec., MS., i. 230; ii. 37. Oct. 1st, Argüello expected his successor soon, and had made preparations for his reception, being uncertain whether he would come by sea or land. Guerra, Doc., MS., iv. 159.
  5. Oct. 26th, Argüello to Guerra. Guerra, Doc., MS., iv. 161-2.
  6. Dept St. Pap., MS., i. 80.