Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/278

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as ayudante inspector being already second in rank.[1] Better still, he succeeded through his influence with the president in obtaining for his associate Híjar on July 15th the appointment of gefe político.[2] Next day the same man was appointed director of colonization, or of the colony in process of organization, and of the new establishments to be founded in California. He was to receive a salary of $1,000, in addition to that of $3,000 for his services as political chief, and he might name a secretary to receive $1,500.[3] Padrés himself, by the minister of relations, at what date does not appear, was made sub-director. About this time there appeared on the scene to represent California in congress a new deputy to take the place of Carrillo — none other than Juan Bandini, who as luck would have it was one of Padrés' northern disciples, and who lost no time in identifying himself with the new schemes.[4] Largely by influence of the combination, the law of August 17, 1833, was passed,

  1. July 12, 1833, Padrés ordered to assume the command if his chief should continue disabled on his arrival. St. Pap., Miss. and Colon., MS., ii. 238; Figueroa, Manifiesto, 4. Sept. 12th, Com. gen. announces that P. is ordered to Cal. to take command if F's illness continues. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Com. and Treas., MS, ii. 57. The order was answered by F. on July 18, 1834, by a statement that his health was restored.
  2. July 15, 1832, García to Figueroa, who was at his own request relieved with thanks for his faithful services. St. Pap., Miss. and Colon., MS., ii. 206-7; Figueroa, Manifiesto, 5-6. This was received in February, and answered on May 18, 1834, of course with a promise to deliver the office to Híjar on his arrival.
  3. July 16, 1833, García to Híjar. St. Pap., Miss. and Colon., MS., ii. 207-9. Sept. 17th, Com. gen. Mendoza at Arizpe to Sub-com. Herrera, announcing Híjar's appointments and salary.
  4. Bandini, it will be remembered, had been elected in March. May 7th, administrator of customs at Monterey could give B. only $100 of $400 due him as dietas. Dept. St. Pap., Ben, Cust.-H., MS., ii. 13. He had sailed from S. Diego in May 1833. July 29th, a bill by Bandini in 10 articles on the favorite subject of dividing the commands and granting an organic law received its first reading in congress. St. Pap., Sac., MS., xviii. 51-3. It will be remembered that this same month, at S. Diego, Figueroa wrote an argument against the measure and a warning against B.'s revolutionary schemes. Aug. 6th, Bandini announces to the Californians that he has assumed his functions and will do all in his power for their interests, the national authorities being well disposed. Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., x. 5. The announcement took the form of a printed address to his constituents, preserved also in the Pioneer Soc. Library, S. Francisco. Of Carrillo I hear nothing in 1833, except that on Jan. 27th, perhaps as he was starting homeward, the comisario was ordered to pay him $3,000 for viáticos. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Com. and Treas., MS., ii. 64; and in 1834, $500 was paid him on the account. Id., Ben. Mil., MS., lxxxi. 4.