Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/306

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depart.[1] Neither Híjar nor Padrés was arrested at Solano, but at San Francisco on March 26th they went on board the Rosa in obedience to Figueroa's orders as exhibited by Vallejo, and the vessel sailed for Monterey.[2]

The Rosa, after lying at anchor in the port of Monterey for a week or more, carried the prisoners down to Santa Bárbara, where — numbering with their families twenty-four persons — they arrived on April 16th, and three days later were transferred to the American brig Loriot, with the supercargo of which vessel Figueroa had made a contract for transporting them with Torres and Apalátegui to San Blas.[3] On May 8th-9th the Loriot was at San Pedro, but the exact date of sailing for San Blas does not appear in the record. Before his departure, Padrés addressed to Figueroa a formal and indignant protest against the summary and illegal treatment which he had received, accusing the governor of having been influenced from the first by hostility to the colony.[4] With the exiles were

  1. Figueroa, Manifiesto, 158-62; Guerra, Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., v. 106-9.
  2. March 26th-27th, Vallejo to Figueroa, Id. to Híjar, H. to V. in Vallejo, Doc., MS., iii. 24, 26; vi. 349. Coronel had not been arrested. H. and P. had started for Monterey by land when ordered to return and embark on the Rosa. March 30th, some fears of trouble at Monterey reported to F. in the south, who orders watchfulness, and arrests if disorder occurs but not otherwise. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 15-16. March 31st, F. at Angeles to Vallejo, ordering him to form a representation on the acts of H., P., and the rest, their revolutionary projects, seduction of Indians, etc. Id., iv. 17. April 4th, F. to V. Has heard of the sailing of the prisoners; V. must keep the effects seized for the present, and try to discover where the rest of the rifles were that had been brought by Padrés. Id., iv. 19-20. Passage money, etc., to capt. of the Rosa. Id., iv. 17-19; Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., MS., lxxxi. 6.
  3. Figueroa had tried to engage the Mexican brig Catalina, Capt. Frederico Becher, for the service. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 20-1. Contract with A. B. Thompson of the Loriot, dated Apr. 11th, to sail after Apr. 30th; to carry to S. Blas and maintain on the voyage Híjar and Padrés with their families, Torres, Apalátegui, Verduzco, Lara, Bonilla, Araujo, and some others, with families and luggage; and to receive on return of the vessel $4,000. Id., iv. 24-6. Duties due from Thompson and Robinson were to be deducted from the amount. Apr. 17th, Padrés to F.; is ready to continue his voyage as ordered. Apr. 30th, F. instructs captain not to touch at any other port than S. Blas. Id., iv. 27-9. Same date, H. to Guerra, asserting his innocence, though it cannot be proven 'in this unhappy country, where the laws are trampled on.' Guerra, Doc., MS., v. 109-10. 24 persons landed on Apr. 19th. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., MS., lxxxi. 6-7.
  4. May 8th, Padrés, Protesta que Dirige D. José María Padrés al Gefe Politico, 1835, MS. May 9th, Gutierrez is at S. Pedro guarding the prisoners and forming a sumario. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 38.