Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/341

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ant in the troubles with Padre Mercado at San Rafael. In May a controversy arose on the subject of mission discipline, the padre demanding the surrender of an offender arrested by the corporal of the escolta, who refused, by Vallejo's order, as he claimed. Mercado in an arrogant and threatening manner defended his authority to punish the neophytes as he pleased, while the comandante, though ordering the neophyte in this case given up, denied the padre's right to interfere in any but minor offences.[1] In August, Corporal Ignacio Pacheco of the escolta, asking for meat for his men, was told by Mercado that "he did not furnish meat to feed volves," whereupon Pacheco caused a sheep of the mission flock to be killed, and the padre was furious. In the resulting correspondence Mercado used very intemperate and insulting language both to Vallejo and to the soldiers, whom he repeatedly designated as a pack of thieves. In turn he was charged by Vallejo with falsehood.[2] Finally on November 16th a body of gentiles belonging to the rancherías of Pulia approached San Rafael, as they had been encouraged to do by Figueroa through Vallejo, with a view to encourage friendly relations. Fifteen Indians of the party came under Toribio to speak with the padre, who put off the interview until next day. During the night a robbery was committed, which was attributed by Mercado to the guests, and they were therefore seized and sent as prisoners to San Francisco. On the morning of the 20th, the warlike missionary, fearing as he claimed that the gentiles would attack the mission to liberate their companions, sent out his majordomo Molina with thirty-seven armed neophytes, who surprised the strangers, killed twenty-one, wounded many more, and captured twenty men,

  1. Letter of Vallejo May 9th, and of Mercado May 9th, 17th, in Vallejo, Doc., MS., ii. 43, 141, 149.
  2. Letters of Pacheco and Mercado Aug. 22d, and of Vallejo Aug. 23d, Oct. 18th, in Vallejo, Doc., MS., ii. 84, 110, 167-8. Vallejo advises Pacheco to act very carefully, to avoid all disputes, and to take no supplies without politely asking the missionary first.