Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/361

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These regulations, which I give nearly in full, were certainly, whatever may have been the legality of their issue, much more wisely and carefully prepared than any that had preceded them, resembling in many points the prevenciones on gradual emancipation, leaving much to the judgment of the friars, and

    missionary will choose that one of the mission buildings which suits him best for his dwelling and that of his attendants; and he will be provided with the necessary furniture and utensils. 12. The library, sacred vessels, church furniture, etc., shall be in charge of the padre, under the responsibility of a sacristan chosen by him and paid a fair salary. 13. General inventories shall be made of all mission property duly classified, account books, documents of every class, debts, and credits — all to be reported to the sup. govt.

    Political government of the pueblos. — 14. The political govt shall be organized in conformity with existing laws; and the gefe pol. will give the proper rules for the establishment of ayuntamientos and holding of elections. 15. The economical management of the pueblos shall belong to the ayunt.; but in the admin. of justice they will be subject to the judges of 1st instance constitutionally established in the nearest places. 16. The emancipated will be obliged to aid in the common work which in the judgment of the gefe pol. may be deemed necessary for the cultivation of the vineyards, gardens, and fields remaining for the present undistributed. 17. They will render to the padre the necessary personal service.

    Restrictions.&emdash;18. They may not sell, burden, nor convey the lands given them; nor may they sell their stock. Contracts made against these orders shall be void; the govt will reclaim the property and the buyers will lose their money. 19. Lands, the owners of which die without heirs, shall revert to the nation.

    General rules.&emdash;20. The gefe pol. will appoint the comisionados whom he may deem necessary for the execution of this plan. 21. The gefe pol. is authorized to settle whatever doubt or matter may arise in connection with the execution of this regulation. 22. Until this regul. is put in force the missionaries are prohibited from slaughtering cattle in considerable quantities, except the usual slaughter for the subsistence of neophytes, without waste. 23. The debts of the missions shall be paid in preference out of the common property, on such terms as the gefe may determine. And for exact compliance there shall be observed the following rules: 1. The comisionados as soon as appointed will go to their respective missions to carry into effect the plan, presenting their credentials to the friar, with whom they are to preserve harmony, politeness, and due respect. 2. At first the com. will receive all accounts and documents relating to property; then the general inventories will be formed in the order given, an estimate of two intelligent persons sufficing for the live-stock. As entered in the inventory, all passes from the control of the friar to that of the com.; but no innovation is to be made in the system of work, etc., until experience proves it to be necessary. 3. The com. and majordomo are to see that all superfluous expenses cease. 4. Before making an inventory of field property the com. must explain to the Indians this regulation and the change it is to effect in their condition. Their lots are to be immediately distributed. The com., padre, and majordomo will select the place, give to each what he can cultivate within the fixed limits, and allow each to mark his land in the most convenient way. 3. The com. must pay no debts of the mission without an express order from the govt, to which a report must be made in order that the number of cattle to be distributed may be determined. 6. Implements will be distributed for individual or common use as the com. and padre may decide; but grain is to remain undistributed, and the neophytes will receive the usual rations. 7. What is known as the