Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/366

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A special matter that may best be noticed here is the slaughter of mission cattle by the friars in 1834 and the following years, together with a wanton neglect and destruction of other property. Many of the missionaries regarded secularization as an outrage upon themselves, their college, and their neophytes; and when they became convinced that the disaster could not be averted, at different times, but chiefly in 1834, they ceased to care for the buildings, vineyards, and gardens as in former times, and attempted to realize in ready money as large an amount as possible, which of course could best be done by a slaughter of cattle for their hides and tallow. Accordingly such a slaughter was effected, to some extent in all the missions, but notably at San Luis Rey, San Ga-

    of first-class parishes, and $1,000 to those of the second class. 2. Parishes of the first class shall be, S. Diego and S. Dieguito; S. Luis Rey, Las Flores, and annexed settlements; S. Gabriel and Los Angeles; Sta Bárbara mission and presidio; S. Cárlos and Monterey; Sta Clara and José de S. Guadalupe; and S. José, S. Francisco Solano, S. Rafael, and the colony (7 in all, incorrectly grouped in Halleck's and other translations). Parishes of the second class, S. Juan Capistrano, S. Fernando, S. Buenaventura, Sta Inés and Purísima, S. Luis Obispo, S. Miguel, S. Antonio and Soledad, S. Juan Bautista and Sta Cruz, S. Francisco mission and presidio. In parishes of more than one place, the curate will reside at that first named. 3. The comisario prefecto García Diego will reside at this capital. The gefe pol. will ask from the bishop in his behalf the faculties of vicario foranco. His salary shall be $3,000. 4. In all other respects the vicar and curates are to conform to the law of Aug. 17th. 5. Until the govt shall provide regular curates, the prelates will do so (from the friars) provisionally, by consent of the gefe pol. 6. $500 per annum shall be paid in each parish for church expenses and servants. 7. All these salaries and expenses of worship shall be paid from the common property of the extinguished missions, in money if there be any, or in produce at current rates — the gefe pol. to give the necessary orders. 8. Art. 17 of the regl., requiring the Ind. to render personal service to the friars, is abrogated. 9. The gefe will cause to be assigned buildings for the residence of curates, ayuntamientos, schools, etc., according to art. 7 of the law. 10. Other points of Duran's recommendations may be attended to by the gefe pol. under art. 17 of the regl. 11. All to be communicated to the prelates and by them to their subordinates.

    My original is the one sent by Figueroa to Comisionado Valle at S. Fernando, whom he directs to assign the curate's dwelling at once. Salaries are to commence on Dec. 1st, after which date it will not be necessary to supply the padre with subsistence or service, except on salary account. On Oct. 30th F. had issued a resolution of the dip. that although the Ind. towns still bore the name of missions, they were not lawfully so, since they ought to have been secularized ere this, and should therefore be considered as towns of the republic, subject to the same laws as other towns, being under the civil authorities of the head towns of the respective districts. St. Pap., Miss. and Colon., MS., ii. 263-4.